
Practice and Workflow Redesign for CITIA-SC Consumers

April 17, 2012

All practices that contracted with the Center received onsite workflow assessments and redesign consultations and had access to the CITIA-SC Center website to access redesign tools and information.  For practices not yet live on the EHR, workflow analysis helped the practice to start “thinking electronically” or begin understanding how use of the EHR would impact their existing practice workflow.  Pre-EHR workflow analysis included such tasks as process mapping, identification of process bottlenecks and non-value-added tasks that could be improved. Pre-EHR workflow redesign also included assessing current job responsibilities, existing hardware and software, staff computer skills, communication channels, change culture, and physical layout of the practice.

For practices already utilizing an EHR system, workflow analysis helped the providers identify opportunities for improvement and how to take advantage of EHR features that could contribute to improved quality of care. EHR consultants conducted an EHR system assessment at each practice in order to determine if the practice uses their system to the fullest capability with maximum efficiency, and also to assess the practices’ ability to meet meaningful use criteria. All trainers had detailed knowledge of the ARRA Meaningful Use Criteria and used predeveloped resources to help practices perform a “gap analysis” of their current EHR usage and strategies to help providers achieve meaningful use.  These tools were modified and improved over the years, as lessons learned were communicated in biweekly meetings and integrated into improved materials.